For the year ending 31 December 2021

James Hay Partnership Management Limited along with the other members of its group (together “James Hay”) provides retirement wealth planning solutions.  With over 40 years’ experience in this field, we have evolved with the market to become trusted by over 57,000* investors, holding over £28 billion* in pension and investment savings.

James Hay has a zero-tolerance policy towards modern slavery and has implemented numerous appropriate controls to mitigate the risks of slavery and human trafficking occurring anywhere in our business or in our supply chain. This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2021.

James Hay is compliant with all of its obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and is fully committed to keeping its policies and procedures under review and making sure that they are fit for purpose in ensuring that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere within our business or supply chains.

Our people

James Hay employs over 200 people and is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).  We are owned by Epiris Fund II LP, Epiris Fund II (B) LP, Epiris Fund II FFP LP, Epiris TC LP, Epiris Fund II Co-Investment (C) LP and Epiris Fund II Co-Investment (C) 2 LP. Epiris GP Limited is the General Partner of Epiris Fund II LP, Epiris Fund II (B) LP, Epiris Fund II FFP LP and Epiris TC LP and Epiris Co-Invest GP Limited is the General Partner of Epiris Fund II Co-Investment (C) LP and Epiris Fund II Co-Investment (C) 2 LP.

Our supply chain

James Hay’s commitment to eradicating modern slavery is embedded in our business through our Supplier Code of Conduct, which sets out our expectations as to the behaviours and practices of our suppliers and reflects our own business values and standards.

As a provider of financial services, we do not have a very long or complex supply chain. Our main suppliers are predominantly UK-based providers of goods and services that enable us to maintain and develop our operations. While we consider our suppliers to be at relatively low risk of engaging in practices of modern slavery and human trafficking, and there have been no recorded incidences of modern slavery within our supply chain, our Supplier Code of Conduct requires suppliers to comply with all applicable laws, thereby mitigating the risk of any practices which might amount to modern slavery.

Our Policies in relation to Slavery and Human Trafficking

As part of our obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and other legislation relating to the detection and prevention of modern slavery, our Supplier Code of Conduct underpins our commitment to act ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and is our primary governance tool in being able to identify and eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking should they ever arise in our supply chain.

We also use other tools to address this matter, with a particular focus on our employees who are on the front line in terms of identifying issues such as modern slavery and human trafficking. Expectations of employee conduct – in particular, the expectation that employees will act in alignment with James Hay’s core values – are made clear through a transparent and linear induction process and probationary period. Our whistleblowing policy ensures a safe environment for any employee wishing to report any actual or suspected wrong-doing. We also conduct regular employee engagement surveys, which offer a further opportunity for employees to raise (in confidence) any concerns they may have regarding any wrong-doing or breaches of law.

We strive to ensure that there is transparency in both our supply chain and our own business and look for the same standards from our contractors, suppliers and other business partners as we apply in our own business. We are committed to ensuring that this is a continuous, developing process.

What we’re doing to prevent Slavery and Human Trafficking

James Hay mitigates the risk of modern slavery arising in its business and/or supply chain through a number of controls including:

James Hay is wholeheartedly committed to implementing effective systems and controls to ensure that the abhorrent practices of modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in our business or supply chain. We are pleased that our current measures have been effective, as there have been no reported incidences of modern slavery or human trafficking in our business or supply chain, but we are not complacent and are aware that this is an on-going risk. We will therefore continue to develop our approach, educate our employees and assess and manage risks on a continuing basis.


Richard Rowney
Chief Executive Officer
James Hay Partnership

*as at 30 September 2021