As one of the first SIPP providers in the UK, we pride ourselves on our wealth of experience and innovative approach to retirement wealth planning. With over 40 years’ experience, we have evolved with the market to become trusted by over 57,000* investors, holding over £28 billion* in pension and investment savings.

Why choose us?

Our expertise and dedication to financial advisers and high net worth investors is central to the Modular iPlan, our flexible solution to manage investing for retirement. You can invest through a range of products, including the Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP), the Individual Savings Account (ISA) and the General Investment Account (GIA).

Are our services right for you?

We offer a wide investment choice for our customers, who access their James Hay products in conjunction with a regulated financial adviser.

Our products are designed for investors with typically around £200,000 of investable assets for use in the approach to, and during, retirement. The Modular iPlan is designed for investors who are confident, investing for the medium to long term and are willing to accept a level of market risk to increase potential reward. You need to have an appointed financial adviser to take out a Modular iPlan product. It is important you understand that your investment value, and therefore any income you take from it, is not guaranteed and there are risks to investing. The value of your investment could fall and you may get back less than you originally paid in.

Further details of all of these risks are explained here.

For further information on James Hay products, please visit our Literature pages.


*as at 30 September 2021


To open a Modular iPlan, you must have a financial adviser appointed to apply on your behalf.

If you do not have one, you can find a list of regulated financial advisers local to your area at or by calling 0800 023 6868.

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